About us
WorkWright Vermont is a self-help organization for Veterans and their families, young adults, people with disabilities, and disengaged teens; some have been trapped in poverty for several generations. WorkWright Vermont is passionate about teaching skills for the building trades, and building skills for life to ensure that the most vulnerable of our population do not fall through the cracks.
Our purpose is to push social and economic prosperity by helping our trainees to be entrepreneurs, general contractors, carpenters, plumbers, electricians, …. free of charge to those who qualify. All we ask is that they pay it forward through Peer Mentoring. We are in the habit of:
We have created a Facebook page in appreciation of the giving of your time, expertise, and / or funds. Dare to be recklessly kind? https://www.facebook.com/DORA.11.19.13
About us
WorkWright Vermont is a self-help organization for Miltary Personnel and their families, young adults, people with disabilities, and disengaged teens; some have been trapped in poverty for several generations.
Our purpose is to push social and economic prosperity by helping our trainees to be entrepreneurs, general contractors, carpenters, plumbers, electricians, …. free of charge to those who qualify. All we ask is that they pay it forward through Peer Mentoring. We are in the habit of:
We have created a Facebook page in appreciation of the giving of your time, expertise, and / or funds. Dare to be recklessly kind? https://www.facebook.com/DORA.11.19.13

They said it can’t be done.
We say we were going to do this with minimal staff, and no ongoing funding. Like a large family, our participants must learn to develop their strengths and help each other. It’s an approach to changing lives that is “against all odds” and full of hope. This model has been proven for over 40 years at Delancey Street Foundation 600 Embarcadero, San Francisco, CA 94107 - the most successful job training program in our country.
Yes, We Can!
Our Founder and Board Chair, Robert (Bob) Emery, was so impressed by the Delancey model, and how it demonstratively changed lives. He visited California for a week and was further inspired to launch WorkWright Vermont. He/we believe that this model can and will work in rural Vermont, as it’s not about location: Rather it’s about mankind’s innate ability to love indiscriminately and to be recklessly kind. Cheers to Bob Emery and to the new Delancey Street in Fairfax, VT!
They said it can’t be done.
We say we were going to do this with minimal staff, and no ongoing funding. Like a large family, our participants must learn to develop their strengths and help each other. It’s an approach to changing lives that is “against all odds” and full of hope. This model has been proven for over 40 years at Delancey Street Foundation 600 Embarcadero, San Francisco, CA 94107 - the most successful job training program in our country.
Yes, We Can!
Our Founder and Board Chair, Robert (Bob) Emery, was so impressed by the Delancey model, and how it demonstratively changed lives. He visited California for a week and was further inspired to launch WorkWright Vermont. He / we believe that this model can and will work in rural Vermont, as it’s not about location: Rather it’s about mankind’s innate ability to love indiscriminately and to be recklessly kind. Cheers to Rev. Bob Emery and to the new Delancey Street in Fairfax, VT!
Our Team
Dave Nichols, Rev. Robert (Bob) Emery - Board chair, and Matt Johnson pictured, Elizabeth Griffin, and Cindy Rickson.
Robert Whitcomb - Training/Site Manager, Marcelle Bunbury-Whitcomb -Executive Director.